The "Meaning" of Things

While this post is saturated with common sense, the underlying truth is neither brought to our conscious minds or spoken as frequently as need be.


This all to quiet knowledge relates to a paper I wrote while enrolled in a college Philosophy of Religion course.  The core of the paper dealt with God and free will.  The main argument was, "If God loves us, why does He allow evil in the world?"  My answer is found in our relationship with God and choice.  If God programmed us to love Him, what meaning would that hold . . . none.  If your spouse was "wired" to love only you, it would be an empty relationship.  God gave us free will.  The choice to turn toward him or away.  Therefore, every element of the world may be occupied by evil or good.  Yes, there are many offshoots of this argument that lead to multiple subsequent discussions, yet we should all be able to agree that in having choice, powerful meaning is found.


In our Nation there are those who advocate for larger government that controls and takes more so "equal" distribution of wealth can be achieved.  Then there are those who champion personal responsibility and, therefore, freedom in managing our own time and money.  Which has more meaning?  Which "means" more to the giver and receiver?  Certainly, when one chooses to give, we see the powerful beauty of authenticity.  The giver and receiver place longstanding significance on the deed.  Whereas, being required to give leaves emptiness and anger in its trail.  It is a choice between enriching or diminishing the "meaning" of giving.


Today in our Nation we are confronted with a choice.  A "choice" that leads to many more choices or one that leads to the relinquishing of choice.  The "choice" where true unclouded "meaning" flourishes or where "meaning" spirals into decay.  It is a decision between the challenging road of personal responsibility or the easy road of being taken care of.  Will you choose the nonburdensome journey leading to emptiness, anger and decay or the ambitious journey of Freedom and Choice leading to significant Meaning?


Freedom – brings - Choice

Choice - brings - Meaning