FREEDOM: a product of Love

Love or Fear – which do YOU choose?

Six days before he was KIA in Iraq, my son, SSG Joshua Hager, US Army Ranger, called and said, “Hi Dad, just wanted to say I love you.”  It took several years for my grief to make room for me to understand, Josh served because of who he loved!  Those who serve and sacrifice are a perfect example of Living In Love.  Out of Love they say, "Here I am, send me"; Love for God, Family, Country and Freedom.

In stark contrast is Fear, which spawns emotions, actions and ideologies we see swirling around us daily.  Fear produces the burning need to control, all-consuming anger, isolation, overwhelming anxiety and worry.  Each of us can identify elements of fear in our own lives and most definitely in our Country and the world. 

FREEDOM is a product of Love, NOT Fear.  When we Love and rebuke Fear "good" emanates.  When we take action and make choices from a place of Love we create a solid peaceful place.  Just look at the example of Government.  Those who show intense anger, the ones who want to control more and more of our lives, those who isolate groups instead of bringing us together, they do so out of Fear; Fear of losing power, money . . . control.  Those who stand strong in giving us more Freedom, staying out of our everyday lives, reducing the size of government, choosing NOT to manipulate, they do so out of Love.  Living in Fear is about what you have to lose.  Living in Love is about the fullness of life.   

Examine yourself and identify the Fear in your life.  Utilize the example of those who serve and sacrifice for your Freedom and think of the powerful love they display.  Make a choice everyday to rebuke the fear in your thoughts, actions and words.  Face every circumstance, choice and deed with Love.

Freedom IS an active passionate choice and even more so is Love, for when you choose Love, Freedom WILL follow.