The Broken Clock - and how Black Lives Matter distorts America's history

The Broken Clock

And how Black Lives Matter distorts America’s history.

One of the greatest contests in world history was the effort to invent a reliable and accurate Chronometer.  That is, a clock that could keep time so accurately as to allow ocean navigation and correctly plot longitude.  This great accomplishment made available the far reaches of the world to ships and sailors from every land.  Navigation was the great equalizer for the world.  Yes, there were times of war and domination, but there was trade, exploration, and freedom as never before. 

Historically, keeping accurate time has been essential to all great advances in freedom and prosperity.  We see ancient ruins that tracked the planets, stars, and the moon - an effort to be more certain of time.  Mankind advanced as we gained a better understanding of not just when time is, but what time is.

“The Broken Clock” phrase does not mean much to the younger generations.  They are generally unfamiliar with analog clocks preferring the digital image and all that goes with smart phones and high-tech watches.   The hands of an analog clock, even when stopped, will, by accident, be correct twice every 24 hours.  However, you cannot know your place in the world without accurately knowing what time it really is.

Is America a racist country?  NO.  Are there racists in America? Yes.  Is Black Lives Matter correct at times in America?  Yes, but only in the same way a broken clock is correct. The media and the left want, demand, that we navigate the social issues of today according to Black Lives Matter, as if they are a chronograph.  They are not.  They are a broken clock screaming profanity at police and all America as if they are on time.  They are not.  Racists must be called out.  I call out Rev. Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, A.O.C. and others.  Yes, the officer who caused the death of George Floyd may be a racist.  I know his union fought to keep him in his job for years, so perhaps they too, are racists.  President Trump is not a racist, nor am I and America is not a racist nation.

To navigate the vast waters of our world, we need to use history and experience as tools for improvement, not as targets for violence.  In 325 CE, the Emperor Constantine ordered that all religions, pagan and Christian alike, worship on Sunday.  He included in that order the first ever day off for slaves.  The entire known world held slaves.  All of Africa, all of Asia, all of Europe, everywhere held slaves.  Evil yes, American, no.

Two forces ended slavery in most nations in the world: Christian evangelicals and American politicians.  It took too many years, yes, but where else was it possible?   England wanted to end slavery but not servitude.  England still wanted a ruling class.  America wanted all people to be free.  Yes, BLM is right twice a day, and we should acknowledge that.  But we cannot navigate the 21st Century of human experience without a chronograph and an honest understanding of history.  The great chronograph for navigation is the Word of God, the Bible.  The Bible alone is God’s inspired word, and it alone demands that to love God we must hate evil.  And finally, the Resurrection gives us all the opportunity to know Christ and be saved.   

Without memory there is no gratitude and without gratitude there is no appreciation.  Let us learn from our past and tell that story truthfully and in context.  Don’t use the broken clocks of the world.  Use the Bible, the Word of God.

The "Meaning" of Things

While this post is saturated with common sense, the underlying truth is neither brought to our conscious minds or spoken as frequently as need be.


This all to quiet knowledge relates to a paper I wrote while enrolled in a college Philosophy of Religion course.  The core of the paper dealt with God and free will.  The main argument was, "If God loves us, why does He allow evil in the world?"  My answer is found in our relationship with God and choice.  If God programmed us to love Him, what meaning would that hold . . . none.  If your spouse was "wired" to love only you, it would be an empty relationship.  God gave us free will.  The choice to turn toward him or away.  Therefore, every element of the world may be occupied by evil or good.  Yes, there are many offshoots of this argument that lead to multiple subsequent discussions, yet we should all be able to agree that in having choice, powerful meaning is found.


In our Nation there are those who advocate for larger government that controls and takes more so "equal" distribution of wealth can be achieved.  Then there are those who champion personal responsibility and, therefore, freedom in managing our own time and money.  Which has more meaning?  Which "means" more to the giver and receiver?  Certainly, when one chooses to give, we see the powerful beauty of authenticity.  The giver and receiver place longstanding significance on the deed.  Whereas, being required to give leaves emptiness and anger in its trail.  It is a choice between enriching or diminishing the "meaning" of giving.


Today in our Nation we are confronted with a choice.  A "choice" that leads to many more choices or one that leads to the relinquishing of choice.  The "choice" where true unclouded "meaning" flourishes or where "meaning" spirals into decay.  It is a decision between the challenging road of personal responsibility or the easy road of being taken care of.  Will you choose the nonburdensome journey leading to emptiness, anger and decay or the ambitious journey of Freedom and Choice leading to significant Meaning?


Freedom – brings - Choice

Choice - brings - Meaning

FREEDOM: a product of Love

Love or Fear – which do YOU choose?

Six days before he was KIA in Iraq, my son, SSG Joshua Hager, US Army Ranger, called and said, “Hi Dad, just wanted to say I love you.”  It took several years for my grief to make room for me to understand, Josh served because of who he loved!  Those who serve and sacrifice are a perfect example of Living In Love.  Out of Love they say, "Here I am, send me"; Love for God, Family, Country and Freedom.

In stark contrast is Fear, which spawns emotions, actions and ideologies we see swirling around us daily.  Fear produces the burning need to control, all-consuming anger, isolation, overwhelming anxiety and worry.  Each of us can identify elements of fear in our own lives and most definitely in our Country and the world. 

FREEDOM is a product of Love, NOT Fear.  When we Love and rebuke Fear "good" emanates.  When we take action and make choices from a place of Love we create a solid peaceful place.  Just look at the example of Government.  Those who show intense anger, the ones who want to control more and more of our lives, those who isolate groups instead of bringing us together, they do so out of Fear; Fear of losing power, money . . . control.  Those who stand strong in giving us more Freedom, staying out of our everyday lives, reducing the size of government, choosing NOT to manipulate, they do so out of Love.  Living in Fear is about what you have to lose.  Living in Love is about the fullness of life.   

Examine yourself and identify the Fear in your life.  Utilize the example of those who serve and sacrifice for your Freedom and think of the powerful love they display.  Make a choice everyday to rebuke the fear in your thoughts, actions and words.  Face every circumstance, choice and deed with Love.

Freedom IS an active passionate choice and even more so is Love, for when you choose Love, Freedom WILL follow.

The definition of "Hero" according to Freedom's Voice

As you investigate the new web site for Freedom’s Voice, we want to make a point about “Heroes.”   Yes, I am a Gold Star father.  Eleven years ago, the bravest young man I know was killed in combat in Iraq, my son.  However, when we speak of "Heroes" we include every soldier, sailor, Marine, Air Force and Coastie who is or has worn the uniform; veterans, active duty and our fallen.  Our nation of 330,000,000 is protected by the very few who volunteer for their duty.  And why do they volunteer?  It is NOT from a place of “hate".  For the most part, it is out of love that they choose to serve.  Our “Heroes” do what they do because of who they love; their God, Family, Country and Freedom.  Do Heroes approve every political motivation that ends up using some military force?  Of course not, but here is what you need to keep in your heart.  Our Nation has enemies.  Those enemies remain distant and in check only because our “Heroes” demonstrate a motivation and skill that makes our forces a true deterrent.  Weakness has always increased danger and always risks war.  Strength ensures Freedom. 

So, while we're sure most veterans and active duty personnel are uncomfortable with being referred to as "Heroes", for this Gold Star family, for Freedom's Voice and for many Americans, they ARE Heroes.  They are the very few who protect the many and uphold our Freedom because they are willing to sacrifice and serve.  God bless our Heroes!!!!!